
Route 182 is one of the open worlds of HEARTBEAT. It is the road between Otecho and Harbei, but directly between Auramosa Plains and Harbei. Tindalos is situated between Route 182. 


Eve with Klein, Chip and Luca in tow, they head towards Harbei in search of the wisp that has stolen the Mogwai Registry Book. Along the way travel on Route 182 is Tindalos where the party must help the Sheepsquatch with their troubles in order to advance further down Route 182.  

Upon succession, they can continue towards Long Life Diner as rest stop. Here, they can stock up on drinks. They must continue a little more before reaching Harbei. 

Mogwai Encountered[]


Long Life Diner[]


"Home of the Funny Burger!'

Long Life Diner is a rest stop where Eve and the party can stop to rest in order to stock up on items.

In the bathroom of the diner, there is a cat sith named Traveler who is attempting to watch their dirty paws in the sink in which they take awhile to due to their short stature. Traveler says they have a friend in Harbei that can heal you.



Item Location
Aloe Vera In a chest hiding behind a tree, across the road of entering Route 182.
Note of Reassurance In a chest to the right of the map surrounded by trees before crossing the road.
Smile-In-A-Jar In a chest west of Long Life Diner with a Mog in the way.
¥500 Woman in pink gives you money after determining you're good.
Kitten Pix In a stack of boxes by the bookcase in house with a purple car.
Cupcake In a trash can in the house with a purple car.
Tanuki Coin In a chest outside the other home before going to Harbei.
Cupcake In a trash can in the the other home before going to Harbei.
Brownie Bite In a chest across from a Red-eyed Cluster, hiding a bit behind a tree.
5 Tokens In a red chest horizontally from the entrance of Harbei.

Buyable Items[]

Long Life Diner[]




煉獄庭園 - Pure Soul


フリー音楽素材 「Pure Soul」
